[GRASS-dev] GRASS 7.4.0 won't compile
Michael Barton
Michael.Barton at asu.edu
Mon Jan 29 15:47:25 PST 2018
Did you do anything differently?
Michael Barton
School of Human Evolution &Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University
...Sent from my iPad
On Jan 29, 2018, at 4:19 PM, Eric Hutton <hutton.eric at gmail.com<mailto:hutton.eric at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Michael
I just successfully (I think) built the 7.4.0 stable release that I got from the link Markus sent. I haven't really dug into it, but it, at least, compiled and installed without error.
Sorry about the patches. The patches I use have a relative path, it's just that it's relative to the build folder (and so includes the grass folder with the version name). I like to do this so that it's explicit what version of grass the patch goes with. Assuming the patches don't change with new versions of grass, I usually just run something like the following,
$ sed -e 's/7\.2\.2/7.4.0/g' -i '' *patch
I'll see if I can build an app with this version. I'll let you know how it goes.
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 3:11 PM Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu<mailto:Michael.Barton at asu.edu>> wrote:
Thanks Markus,
The odd thing is that 7.2.2 and the dev version of 7.4 (from the 7.4 svn repository checkout) compile with no errors. But the release branch of 7.4 does not.
C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
Arizona State University
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On Jan 29, 2018, at 2:07 PM, Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org<mailto:neteler at osgeo.org>> wrote:
I take liberty to cc the list:
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 9:37 PM, Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu<mailto:Michael.Barton at asu.edu>> wrote:
Hi Markus,
I just tried compiling GRASS 7.4.0 and it failed with a bunch of errors.
This is what I had before when I tried to compile the release branch. 7.4svn
compiles but not the stable release.
It is a gdal problem. But I DO have gdal 2.0.0 and liberal 2.0.0 installed
in my build environment.
I think I have an idea:
imac:test cmbarton$ cd
imac:d.erase cmbarton$ make -j4
if [
!= "" ] ; then
--html-description < /dev/null | grep -v '</body>\|</html>' >
d.erase.tmp.html ; fi
dyld: Library not loaded: libgdal.20.dylib
The libgdal name is referenced here:
grep libgdal lib/raster/*
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal.so.20",
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal.so.1",
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal.1.1.so<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__libgdal.1.1.so&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=lk-7X7CEOMDN8GaGVhiDsuO6gEp1wbG6nfT1XEEEtR0&m=QwMsF8xBuFKdSCMzn-9aggfFDv_O68K-U9sCsnh3A3Q&s=IY850S--bNBSXDAtp2WASr0s2G6qVdkRmRUqACeRNIg&e=>",
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal.so",
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal1.6.0.so<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__libgdal1.6.0.so&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=lk-7X7CEOMDN8GaGVhiDsuO6gEp1wbG6nfT1XEEEtR0&m=QwMsF8xBuFKdSCMzn-9aggfFDv_O68K-U9sCsnh3A3Q&s=0WCrunG3Wx-smXCYaPldRIQEccAcnL52e-aLGGjvqmA&e=>",
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal1.7.0.so<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__libgdal1.7.0.so&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=lk-7X7CEOMDN8GaGVhiDsuO6gEp1wbG6nfT1XEEEtR0&m=QwMsF8xBuFKdSCMzn-9aggfFDv_O68K-U9sCsnh3A3Q&s=ZvCBjg8ql5ymgJqYfW3Pjl4jZo1smD-904scDyUKsgQ&e=>",
lib/raster/gdal.c: "libgdal-1.dll",
Probably also libgdal.20.dylib needs to go there?
Referenced from:
Reason: image not found
make: *** [d.erase.tmp.html] Error 1
Maybe you can try?
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