[GRASS-dev] Fw: Re: SV: area calculations in several GIS

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Tue Oct 2 23:12:30 PDT 2018

for the record to the ML, see below 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 02. Oktober 2018 um 22:45 Uhr
Von: "Charles Karney" 
An: "Markus Metz" 
Cc: "Kristian Evers", "GRASS developers list" <grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org>, "Helmut Kudrnovsky" 
Betreff: Re: SV: [GRASS-dev] area calculations in several GIS
In comparisons like this, it's probably a good idea to document what
areas the various packages are attempting to compute.

For Planimeter/geod_polygonarea, it is the area of a polygon with edges
given by geodesics.

For GRASS/QGIS, it is the area of a polygon with edges which are
straight lines in the plate-carree projection.

The documentation for GRASS (in lib/gis/area_poly1.c) suggests that this
calculation is a poor man's attempt to compute the area of a polygon
with edges given by rhumb lines.

In fact, the mathematics for computing the area of rhumb polygons is
straightforward, see


and GeographicLib's Planimeter utility can perform such calculations
(with the -R flag). For Kristian's sample polygon we have

geodesic area = 14737935340.10 m^2
rhumb area = 14722522188.60 m^2

This explains the apparent discrepancy between Planimeter and
geod_polygonarea reported earlier. The figure given for Planimeter was
the rhumb area.

I recommend that GRASS/QGIS be updated either to compute the area of
either geodesic or rhumb polygons. Surely plate-carree polygons are not


On 10/2/18 1:55 PM, Markus Metz wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 7:30 PM Charles Karney wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, I'm coming late to this conversation.  The area of the polygon
> > in the Baltic Sea posted by Kristian is
> >
> >    14737935340.098511 m^2
> >
> > assuming the WGS84 ellipsoid.  This is accurate to 1 square-mm and was
> > obtained with the MPFR-enabled version of GeographicLib's Planimeter.
> >
> > This is consistent with the result reported by the PROJ.4
> > geod_polygonarea() and it agrees with the result I get with the regular
> > Planimeter utility.  I don't why someone else is getting a different
> > result from Planimeter.
> I can confirm this, the results of Planimeter and PROJ 5.2.0 are identical.
> Some more confusion:
> I created simple boxes for the test polygon, one a bit larger, one a bit
> smaller than the test polygon
> GRASS:                13,222.778
> Planimeter:           13,221.965
> geod_polygonarea():   13,221.965
> 14.62569 55.36254
> 14.6256944444444 54.0786
> 17.1177 54.0786111111111
> 17.1177777777778 55.3625
> GRASS:                22,950.510
> Planimeter:           22,946.901
> geod_polygonarea():   22,946.901
> GRASS native geodesic area is not too far off from GeographicLib/PROJ
> With the test polygon
> Planimeter/PROJ: 14,737.935 km^2
> GRASS GIS:       14.718.098 km^2
> GRASS is much farther off, and here smaller instead of larger than
> Planimeter/PROJ.
> I will have a look.
> Markus M
> >  It's probably operator error -- but who knows?
> >
> >    --Charles

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