Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Mar 8 01:49:53 PST 2019
Since rgdal::make_EPSG() is facing the same problems of listing tabulated
EPSG fields as g.proj -l, I was very happy to see Markus' code in
g.proj/main.c mentioned in this thread, and have used this approach in
However, there are plenty of messages such as: "proj_as_proj_string:
Unsupported conversion method: Lambert Conic Conformal (West Orientated)". I
haven't installed GRASS trunk with PROJ6, so I can't see whether g.proj -l
also sees the same messages. If it does, maybe we could ask on the proj list
how they might be captured for summary reporting. I think they are coming
from line 5758 in src/iso19111/coordinateoperation.cpp or maybe line 906 in
same file. Maybe PROJ now has an error handler that
Another question concerns the issue of whether one needs to free objects
created, in particular proj_crs_info and pj. Not so important for g.proj,
which exists when done, but important for rgdal whose functions don't exit.
Anyway, very helpful to see that Markus is looking at the same issues as we
Roger Bivand
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway
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