[GRASS-dev] Early "warning": upcoming switch of SVN to readonly mode for planned GitHub migration

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu May 16 09:27:52 PDT 2019


later tonight or tomorrow (Friday, May 17th, 2010) we'll switch the
GRASS GIS svn server to readonly-mode, in order make the GitHub
migration [1] possible.

Goal: have the repo up and running on Saturday (May 18th, 2019) for
the upcoming community sprint.

Some downtime of half a day or so cannot be avoided.
Git experts: please be available for questions :-)

@devs: please keep your upcoming commits locally and don't miss to
upload them later on to git(hub).


[1] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GitMigration

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