[GRASS-dev] Pull requests for new addon 'r.zonal.classes'
Taïs Grippa
tgrippa at ulb.ac.be
Wed Sep 11 02:28:26 PDT 2019
Dear GRASS developers,
For your information, I just made a pull request on the grass-addon
This addon computes class proportions and majority class of a "cover
layer" (e.g., a land cover map) according to how it intersects with
areas/objects in a "base layer". This function is similar to what
r.stats.zonal performs, but is intended to be used on integer values
raster (CELL type) instead.
*M. GRIPPA Taïs*
Geographer - PhD - ANAGEO Lab (IGEAT)
ULB CP 130/03 Av. F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - 1050 Bruxelles
Tél: 02/650.68.03
Mail: Tais.Grippa at ulb.ac.be
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