[GRASS-dev] New GUI startup discussion

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Wed May 13 10:04:32 PDT 2020

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 12:03 AM Robert Lagacé <robert.lagace.qc at gmail.com>


> It would nice to have the possibility to define a config file which
> contain the basic (projection and datum reference data for the user area)
> and we ask them to put it in some specific place in their dicrectory. When
> Grass start for the first time, it check for it and offer that possibility
> to the user. That config can point to some dataset. This concept can be use
> for the other options offered to the user. That proposal can be acheive by
> other means with the recipe given. The objective is to have way to define
> the basic for non GIS user.

If you have grassdata directory in your home directory or in Documents,
GRASS GIS should automatically pick it up and the startup screen should
show it when starting for the first time. Does this work for you? If it
does and it is not sufficient, what is the behavior you are looking for?

If there is more than one location or more than one mapset to choose from,
you can add or modify the file called rc in the .grass7 directory. It is
little harder to set up, but would that help you? (See the contents below.)
This does not start in the specified mapset, it only selects it in the
startup screen. How does it compare to what is your desired state?

LOCATION_NAME: nc_spm_08
GISDBASE: /home/.../grassdata

> P.S. I cannot access to ref [1]

Can you access other OSGeo Trac pages? Try e.g. the following. What is the
page or message you see?


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