[GRASS-dev] GSoC 2024: Community Bonding Period (Week 0) Report

Riya Saxena 29riyasaxena at gmail.com
Tue May 28 23:10:05 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

Here's an overview:

1) What did I accomplish this week?

   - Familiarized myself with the contribution guidelines.
   - Set up my profile WikiPage [1] and my project WikiPage [2].
   - Configured the development environment.
   - Read more about GRASS GIS.
   - Worked on a pull request to remove redundancies in SeriesMap and
   TimeSeriesMap [3].

2) What are my plans for next week?

   - Implement a button in grass.jupyter.interactivemap.py [4] that allows
   users to perform queries when activated.
   - Work on the PR. [3]

3) Am I blocked on anything?

   - No

[1] User:29riyasaxena <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:29riyasaxena>
[2] GRASS GSoC 2024 Improve user experience in Jupyter Notebooks

[3] Create BaseSeriesMap to remove redundancies in SeriesMap and
TimeSeriesMap <https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/3468/>
[4] grass.jupyter.interactivemap
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