[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS PSC Elections 2024] Nomination of Brendan Harmon

Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2024 variablestarlight at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 11:39:58 PDT 2024

Dear members of the GRASS GIS community,

Brendan Harmon has accepted a nomination made by Vaclav Petras.


Brendan Harmon is an associate professor of landscape architecture at 
College of Art & Design at Louisiana State University where he 
specializes in spatial science, computational design, and robotics. 
Since his PhD, Brendan has been teaching GRASS GIS and producing public, 
beautifully designed course materials. His "GIS for Designers" course, 
which prominently features GRASS GIS, is listed on the GRASS GIS website 
under Tutorials and is accompanied by YouTube videos. In addition to a 
number of GRASS GIS datasets on Zenodo, Brendan is the maintainer of the 
Natural Earth dataset downloadable through GUI, helping users to produce 
results with GRASS GIS more smoothly. He authored r.sim.terrain, a 
dynamic landscape evolution model in Python published in grass-addons. 
Brendan has also added screenshots to the main repo and images to the 
website gallery. Brendan brings user and designer perspective to the 

Hernán De Angelis

Chief Return Officer (CRO)
GRASS GIS election 2024

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