Hi devs,<div>Does GRASS have any geostatistical tools. HPGL is ahigh performace library for geostatistics</div><div><br></div><div><div>Simple Kriging (SK)</div><div>Ordinary Kriging (OK)</div><div>Indicator Kriging (IK)</div>
<div>Local Varying Mean Kriging (LVM Kriging)</div><div>Simple CoKriging (Markov Models 1 & 2)</div><div>Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS)</div><div>Correlogram Local Varying Mean SIS (CLVM SIS)</div><div>Local Varying Mean SIS (LVM SIS)</div>
<div>Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS)</div><div> </div><div>are available in HPGL so let me know the comments and suggeation before integrating HPGL to GRASS GIS</div>-- <br><div>Thanks && Regards</div>Rashad<br>