Roberto Antolin
tolanss en yahoo.es
Jue Nov 29 05:09:30 EST 2007
Carlos Dávila escribió:
> Yo uso la versión del cvs y no me aparece ese comando. Esto es lo que he
> encontrado en el README del directorio i.atcorr, con lo que hay que
> hacer para que esté disponible:
Pues yo no he hecho nada de esto y en mi version del cvs de hace meses
funciona. En la version 6.2 no!
Un saludo,
> atcorr is supposed to be run under Grass GIS.
> The following steps needs to be taken to compile and
> use it under Grass. Sorry that there is not automatic
> script to do all this. If you feel this is a big
> issue you are welcome to donate it.
> The following steps should be all that is needed:
> 1. make the binaries
> ./configure
> make
> 2. either create a symbolic link or copy the create binary
> to where ever grass installed it's binaries. This might
> need you to have root privilages. The link name must be
> i.atcorr or else the tcltk will not work.
> ln -s atcorr/atcorr GRASS_BINARIES/i.atcorr
> 3. install the tcltk interface for this module.
> 3.1 Create another symlink for the interface script.
> ln -s tcltk/i.atcorr GRASS_BINARIES/../tcltk/module/i.atcorr
> 3.2 Edit the main menu script and place the following 3 lines
> in GRASS_BINARIES/../tcltk/main/menu.tcl:
> <snip>
> "Atmospheric corrections (6S)" "" {
> "source $env(TCLTKGRASSBASE)/module/i.atcorr"
> }
> </snip>
> They should be placed in the menu block starting with the line:
> <snip>
> set image_processing {
> </snip>
> under the line:
> <snip>
> -separator
> </snip>
> Now you are ready to start using it from Grass.
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