[GRASSGUI] Migration of this mailing list done

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Aug 8 05:52:15 EDT 2001

Hi again,
if you can read this, the migration was successfull.
I have tried to migrate your personal settings as well
except the password (you have received a new password).
I have closed the old Hannover list.
Sorry in case of any inconvenience,
(please let me know)

Markus Neteler

ITC-irst, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
Project on Predictive Models for the Environment
Via Sommarive, 18
38050 Trento (Povo), Italia
tel +39 0461 314 520                      neteler at itc.it
fax +39 0461 314 591                      http://mpa.itc.it

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