[GRASSGUI] How to launch a grass monitor in a tcl/tk widget ??

Carlos Isorna isorna at idecnet.com
Thu Dec 18 05:44:19 EST 2003

Hi all,
I'm trying to visualize images using grass tools in a tcl/tk program.
I'd like to launch the monitors (d.mon) inside a widget of the program, 
but the command "d.mon" launches a xterm which cannot be packed in a 
tcl/tk widget. When skimming the gui.tcl file I found these lines:

script_add "d.mon start=$monitor" "cmd"
    exec xterm -geometry 40x5 -e d.mon start=$monitor

How could I execute the script in a tcl/tk widget???
Thank you.


Carlos Isorna Suárez
 isorna at ctm.ulpgc.es 
 Tfno: +34 928 452956 Fax:+34 928 451243
 Centro de Tecnología Médica  http://www.ctm.ulpgc.es
 Universidad de Las Palmas de G.C. - Spain

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