[GRASSGUI] wx start error

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Tue Aug 7 12:31:51 EDT 2007

An error trying to start wxgrass.  With 'wxgrass&' from a running  
GRASS session, I get this error.  Interestingly, if I set  
my .grassrc6 to wx, I get the same error after a gis_set.py error,  
but GRASS automatically starts in the last mapset I was in (as is set  
in .grassrc6), instead of bailing completely (since gis_set.py failed).

The gis_set.py error appears only if I have DEBUG set to GUI:3 (it  
doesn't like the : there).  I get the normal mapset selection in  
python if DEBUG is not set or is set to just a number.

startup error:

GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 1431.0, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 1902.0, 'n': 4928010.0, 's': 4913700.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 10.0, 'nsres': 10.0}
GUI D3/3: Map.__adjustRegion(): {'rows': 300, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 400, 'n': 4933535.0, 's': 4908175.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 63.399999999999999, 'nsres': 63.399999999999999}
GUI D1/1: MapFrame.__init__(): size=640,480
GUI D3/3: Map.__adjustRegion(): {'rows': 300, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 400, 'n': 4933535.0, 's': 4908175.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 63.399999999999999, 'nsres': 63.399999999999999}
GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 1431.0, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 1902.0, 'n': 4928010.0, 's': 4913700.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 10.0, 'nsres': 10.0}
GUI D2/2: Map.AddOverlay(): cmd=['d.barscale'], render=0
GUI D3/3: MapLayer.__init__(): type=overlay, cmd=d.barscale,  
name=None, active=0, opacity=1, hidden=0
GUI D2/2: Map.AddOverlay(): cmd=['d.barscale'], render=0
GUI D3/3: MapLayer.__init__(): type=overlay, cmd=d.barscale,  
name=None, active=0, opacity=1, hidden=0
GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 1431.0, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 1902.0, 'n': 4928010.0, 's': 4913700.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 10.0, 'nsres': 10.0}
GUI D3/3: Map.__adjustRegion(): {'rows': 300, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 400, 'n': 4933540.0, 's': 4908180.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 63.399999999999999, 'nsres': 63.399999999999999}
GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 1431.0, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 1902.0, 'n': 4928010.0, 's': 4913700.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 10.0, 'nsres': 10.0}
GUI D3/3: Map.__adjustRegion(): {'rows': 300, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 400, 'n': 4933540.0, 's': 4908180.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 63.399999999999999, 'nsres': 63.399999999999999}
GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 1431.0, 'e': 609000.0, 'cells':  
2721762.0, 'cols': 1902.0, 'n': 4928010.0, 's': 4913700.0, 'w':  
589980.0, 'ewres': 10.0, 'nsres': 10.0}
GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():
GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():
GUI D3/3: Command.__init__(): [Popen] cmd=g.proj -p
GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd=g.proj -p, wait=1, returncode=0
GUI D3/3: AbstractDigit.__init__(): map=None
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
wxgui.py", line 943, in <module>
     app = GMApp(0)
   File "//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/ 
python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_core.py", line 7757,  
in __init__
   File "//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/ 
python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_core.py", line 7354,  
in _BootstrapApp
     return _core_.PyApp__BootstrapApp(*args, **kwargs)
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
wxgui.py", line 925, in OnInit
     mainframe = GMFrame(parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="")
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
wxgui.py", line 188, in __init__
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
wxgui.py", line 583, in NewDisplay
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
gui_modules/wxgui_utils.py", line 167, in __init__
     self.shaded_icon = il.Add(trgif)
   File "//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/ 
python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_gdi.py", line 5999, in  
     return _gdi_.ImageList_Add(*args, **kwargs)
ValueError: invalid null reference in method 'ImageList_Add',  
expected argument 2 of type 'wxBitmap const &'

gis_set.py error (when DEBUG = GUI:3):

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
gis_set.py", line 497, in <module>
     GRASSStartUp = StartUp(0)
   File "//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/ 
python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_core.py", line 7757,  
in __init__
   File "//Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/ 
python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_core.py", line 7354,  
in _BootstrapApp
     return _core_.PyApp__BootstrapApp(*args, **kwargs)
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
gis_set.py", line 488, in OnInit
     StartUp = GRASSStartup(None, -1, "")
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
gis_set.py", line 62, in __init__
     self.grassrc = read_grassrc()
   File "/Applications/GRASS-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/etc/wx/ 
gis_set.py", line 48, in read_grassrc
     key,val = line.split(":")
ValueError: too many values to unpack
GRASS GUI should be wx

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

Earth: "Mostly harmless"

- revised entry in the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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