[GRASSGUI] commands from menus and database table not working

Daniel Calvelo dca.gis at gmail.com
Tue May 22 16:02:25 EDT 2007

Hi all.

grassTask is list-ready. In menuform.py, the grassTask.getCmd() is
meant to return a list. We discussed this a few months ago. The
quick'n'dirty way of maing this into a command string is to

" ".join( getCmd() )

This is used in e.g. building the statusbar "current command string",
and used to be also in the OnCopy() event handler. wxgui.py and
wxgui_utils.py should be changed to accomodate a list and call
getCmd() directly instead of the join snippet or equivalent.


On 5/21/07, Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com> wrote:
> Michael Barton wrote:
> > >     self.cmd_output.write("$ " + command + "\n")
> > > TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
> > >
> > > Why:
> >
> > The problem is not command but "$ " and "\n". They is a strings. Change to
> >
> > ['$ '] + command + ['\n']
> That will produce a list; does write() accept a list?
> But the default string conversion performed by %s probably isn't what
> you want. From the leading "$", I'm guessing that you want output in
> shell syntax, which is going to need some form of quoting.
> OTOH, you could just use Python syntax. Generating Bourne-shell syntax
> is arguably wrong for something that's supposed to be cross-platform.
> > > method getCmd() of grassTask() class (gui_modules/menform.py, line 215)
> > > returns not command string (e.g. "r.info elevation.dem"), but already
> > > command list (e.g. ["r.info", "map=elevation.dem"]).
> > >
> > > This is in conflict with rest of the code, where ever cmd.split(" ") is
> > > called (e.g. wxgui.py line 410 or gui_modules/wxgui_utils.py, line 868).
> >
> > cmd.split(" ") is potentially problematic and we should avoid it. For
> > example, <some command> map="My map" will end up as
> >
> > ['<command>', 'map=My', 'map'].
> It doesn't matter for maps, as spaces aren't valid in map names. But
> it matters for arbitrary text (titles, etc), filenames, SQL "where"
> clauses etc.
> > Or <command> query="attribute1>5 and attribute2<15"
> >
> > ['<command>', 'query=attribute>5', 'and', 'attribute2<15']
> >
> > >
> > > So, what to do? Fix getCmd(), so it returns string or go through whole
> > > code and try to fix all cmd.split() calls?
> >
> > The latter. We've already got most of them, but there are a few left
> > apparently.
> What is the purpose of getCmd()? If it's meant to return the command
> in a form that can be executed within wxgui, it should return a list.
> If it's simply a string to show to the user, the format isn't
> critical. OTOH, if it's going to be saved to a script, it needs to be
> in the appropriate syntax (sh, csh, cmd.exe, etc).
> The main point is that, if you have a function which returns a command
> as a string, you need to be absolutely crystal clear on what syntax is
> used. If it's Bourne-shell syntax, don't try to execute it via cmd.exe
> (and vice-versa). If it's just "human-readable string", don't try to
> execute it at all.
> Depending upon what you want to do, you might need multiple functions
> to return commands in different formats. In that case, I would suggest
> having class methods always return commands as lists, and have
> separate utility functions for converting such lists to strings.
> --
> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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-- Daniel Calvelo Aros

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