[GRASSGUI] New user 6.1

Sandra Goodrow sgoodrow at envsci.rutgers.edu
Fri Nov 2 11:56:14 EDT 2007

I am a new user of GRASS 6.1.  I have previously worked solely in ArcGIS.  I
have not found a comprehensive manual that helps me to understand how to
start.  I am not sure that I am interpreting "location" and "mapset"
properly and even if I can use the files I currently use in ArcView (I have
converted all to rasters) for a projection.  My main error message is ".not
a valid mapset".


Any help would be appreciated.


Sandra M. Goodrow

Program Associate

Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program

14 College Farm Road, Room 241

New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Phone: (732)932-9800 ext.6125

Fax: (732)932-8644


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