Jarek Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Tue Feb 17 14:58:09 EST 2009

Its only Idea (Sorry ,Martin I didn't notice your idea on grass viki)

"Grass Catalog" it don't exist (exist other "ArcCatlaog" but it is 
commercial and rather expensive tool, but it could be good inspiation), 
but I (and probaly some more people too) will welcome a tool where we 
can easyly manage GIS data.

What it shoud have:

1) data tree where we can see all maps in at least current mapset 
groupped by raster, vector, tables, nd so on. i know wxPython wery poor 
(problems with time!, and I'm rather archeologist not programer) but it 
shoud be very easy do create such tool with g.list and wxTreeCtrl
2) every map in list shall be displayed in low resolution (to perform 
fast display) in catalog window. It coud be little problematic because 
it cannot infuents on computational region of grass
3) for every displayed map could be easily renamed, deleted, copied to 
new map
4) some operation like delete could be done in batch mode
5) easy way to import and export map to other gis format

All mentioned operation can be easyly done with grass commands like 
g.copy, g.rename, but GUI to manage it would be nice addational tool. So 
if you would like to create ...


Mohammed Rashad pisze:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WxPython-based_GUI_for_GRASS#Data_Catalog
> can anyone  explain more on graphical managment of GIS data  GRASS Catalog
> Regards,
> Mohammed Rashad.K.M
> +919605476742
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