[GRASS-GUI] grass 7.0 g.region segmentation fault
Mohammed Rashad
rashadkm at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 13:31:28 EST 2009
with new wxgui i selected location wizard on the startup screen
1. select coordinate system
2. choose projection --- ll(lat/long)
3. select ellipsoid ---- everst56
4. Summary
after the location wizard when i click finish
a message window appears with
`Do you want to set the default region extents and resolution now?`
if yes button was clicked..
another message window displays
`Error invlaid region`
and a window appears
when grass is restarted with new loacation created error apperas with
title : Error in g.region execution
message : Unable to get current geographic extent. Force quiting wxGUI.
Please run manually g.region to fix the problem
when run g.region at command line
as g.region -p
error appers as
segmentation fault
But no problem reports for other types such as xy location, georeferenced
files etc..
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