[GRASS-GUI] List of items in a combo-box or a list

Luisa Peña luisapena1979 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 06:10:27 EDT 2010

I'm new at this mailing list, but I have been using GRASS for a While. But
now, I need to create a script to process a few data but and I have a
technical GUI-question:
I want to have an script-input to be a combo-box or a list of options. But,
this list instead of being pre-defined (e.g. r.in.wms the key option format
has a pre-defined list of possibilities that the user can select) I don't
want to have a list of possible options Header but read from other
source(e.g. global variables, text file, other variables). Is this possible?
(Did I made myself clear?)


Best regards
Luisa, Brazil
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