[GRASS-GUI] List of items in a combo-box or a list

Luisa Peña luisapena1979 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 07:22:03 EDT 2010

Hello Glynn

> You can't do this via g.parser. You would need to either dynamically
> generate a script with a suitable header,

Ah is it possible to have a script in which i have a dynamic script? Is
there any available script/function, developed for GRASS, in which I can get
some "inspiration"?

> or have the script create
> the GUI itself using wxPython or Tcl/Tk.
So you mean, instead of using g.parser, that reads wxpython file that define
module, My script would have Wxpython code similar to the one, that g.parser
uses, but with dynamic fields?

For instance, combo-boxes that lists available rasters/vectorial files in
GRASS are dynamic. Right?

Thank you Glynn and everyone else for your help

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