[GRASS-PSC] adding r.li to GRASS

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 2 00:01:01 EST 2006


shall r.li be added to grass6 cvs? It is a modernization of the r.le
modules for "landscape indices" by Paolo Cavallini & team*.


* Claudio Porta and Lucio Davide Spano, students of Computer Science 
University of Pisa (Italy). Commission from Faunalia Pontedera (PI)

It would be nice if it had a developer-"champion" or primary supporter
who could be in charge of commiting patches from the authors, etc.
This is well outside my field of study so I will not volunteer for the
job, nor do I have a strong opinion about the general usefulness of
these modules. (I can be the one to do the first commit to CVS though,
if desired)

The authors seem to think it is ready for CVS, a quick glance at the
code indicates that they are in the GRASS "style" and conform to
SUBMITTING guidelines.

Perhaps run indent on them first,

 $ indent -nbad -bap -bbb -nbbo -nbc -br -bli1 -bls -cbi0 -ncdb -nce \
    -ci4 -cli0 -ncs -d0 -di0 -fc1 -nfca -hnl -i4 -ip4 -l80 -lc80 -lp \
    -npcs -pi4 -nprs -npsl -sbi0 -sc -nsob -ss -ts8  main.c


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