Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 29 03:51:11 EST 2006

Markus Neteler wrote:
> The general question is: dedicated list or not. It seems that we have
> contrary opinions at the moment.

I'm for a dedicated list, with open subscription (including posting) and
archives, anyone can participate or not as they wish. I think by the
notable exceptions to the PSC it can be inferred that there are people
who are interested in the technical emails but not the governance

All distilled "call for votes" should/must be cross-posted to the
grass-dev list*, but we shouldn't subject people who are only interested
in technical coding to page long governance speeches :)

[*] actual votes go to the grass-psc list...

If a separate psc list proves to be redundant, it can be merged back
into grass-dev; if folks on grass-dev are upset about finding out about
things after-the-fact, they can subscribe to the grass-psc list.

(shrug- I think it mostly boils down to email filters: highlight PSC
threads when there are 200 messages in an inbox, filter out PSC noise
for those who don't want it)


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