[GRASS-PSC] Motion: migrate to SVN/trac on OSGeo infrastructure

Dylan Beaudette debeaudette at ucdavis.edu
Mon Oct 15 20:22:27 EDT 2007

On Monday 15 October 2007, Markus Neteler wrote:
> Fellow PSC members,
> after long discussions, according to our (yet proposed) rules
> of voting [1], I motion that the GRASS CVS server be migrated
> into SVN server on OSGeo infrastructure as well as the bug tracker
> be migrated to Trac on OSGeo infrastructure.
> Rationale and background information to compare the current
> solution to the proposed solution:
>  http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/SVN_hosting
> Vote closure:
>  Sunday, 21 October 2007, 23:59 UTC.
> I'll collate votes and present the result to the PSC (with cc to the
> grass-dev list) on Monday, Oct. 22th 2007.
> Best regards,
> Markus
> [1] http://mpa.itc.it/markus/grass63progman/rfc/rfc3_psc.html

+1 for moving to SVN on the OSGEO servers. I think that this will provide 
excellent flexibility for developers / non-devs (like myself) who like to 
follow along with what is going on. Personal experiences with SVN and Trac 
have been very good.

Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

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