[GRASS-PSC] Re: [Incubator] Motion: GRASS to Graduate Incubation

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Jan 24 17:20:32 EST 2008

Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:
> I motion that the Incubation Committee recommends GRASS to the OSGeo Board
> of Directors for graduation from incubation with Markus Neteler as project
> liaison officer.

After running GRASS against the the (unofficial) project Graduation 
Checklist at 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Project_Graduation_Checklist I have a 
couple of questions:

1- Bug tracker: GRASS started using OSGeo's Trac system only a couple of 
weeks ago and there are only 23 tickets at the moment. I found refs to 2 
other bug tracking systems used in the past here 
http://grass.itc.it/bugtracking/index.php ... will any effort be made to 
maintain the bug history (import in Trac or maintain old servers?) or is 
this not important to the project members?

2- Does the GRASS project have or plan to have some kind of automated 
testing and/or buildbot system?

I don't consider either of these to be blockers for graduation and 
otherwise everything else seems fine to me, so please count my +1 vote 
on the motion for GRASS to graduate.

Daniel Morissette

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