[GRASS-PSC] write access to the GRASS-Addons-SVN

Robert Nuske rnuske at gwdg.de
Fri Mar 19 11:30:06 EDT 2010


together with Daniel McInerney I designed a GRASS Poster. We want to make it 
available to the GRASS community. It might be useful at conferences and fairs 
and maybe even translated into further languages. I was encouraged to store 
the English and German version thereof in the grass addons repository parallel 
to the grassflyer. 

I provided my OSGeo-ID (rnuske) upon request to Markus Neteler.

I have read and I accept the terms of GRASS RFC2.


   Robert Nuske
   Department of Ecoinformatics,
   Biometrics & Forest Growth

   Buesgenweg 4
   37077 Goettingen

   Phone: +49-551-39-22362
   Fax  : +49-551-39-3465

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