[GRASS-PSC] GRASS Community Sprint 2013 - email for possible sponsors

Markus Metz markus.metz.giswork at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 07:37:21 PST 2013

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Margherita Di Leo <diregola at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Members of the PSC,
> since the GRASS Community Sprint is approaching, I've been asked by Luca
> Delucchi, who is in charge to collect the donations for the event, to
> prepare an e-mail to be sent to the main companies that make extensive use
> of GRASS for their work (he is currently listing their email addresses) in
> order to ask whether they would be willing to sponsor the event. We thought
> that such email should be sent on behalf of PSC by one member (I could do
> that if it's OK for you). Please find below the content of the email we are
> proposing to send and please feel free to propose any modification.

Hi Madi,

thanks for helping with the organization of the GRASS community
sprint! Two small comments below:

> ---%<---
> The GRASS GIS team will organize a GRASS Developer and Power User Meeting,
> aka 'GRASS Community Sprint' from 2-7 Feb, 2013 [1]. The Community Sprint is
> a get-together for GRASS project members and supporters and related OSGeo
> projects

a get-together for members and supporters of GRASS and related OSGeo projects

> to make decisions and tackle larger problems. For this meeting, we
> welcome people committed to improving the GRASS GIS project and the
> interfaces to QGIS, GDAL, PostGIS, R statistics, Sextante, gvSIG, OGC
> Services (esp. WPS) and more. This includes developers, documenters, bug
> reporters, translators and others.
> The outcomes of past editions include wxGUI bugfixing, GRASS 7 time series
> and 4D data management, translations, implementation of new modules and lots
> of bughunting, testing, and bugfixing. For interoperability, the new
> QGIS-Sextante-GRASS interface was completely overhault and updated.
> Developers also had discussions on broad topics like GRASS GIS usage mobile
> devices, creation of a visual guide to GRASS GIS usage and much more. See
> [2,3] for details.
> The third GRASS Community Sprint is a great occasion for you to support the
> development of GRASS. With your contribution you'll enable more developers

you will enable

Markus M

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