[GRASS-PSC] Branding rules to be defined

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 00:56:37 PST 2013

Welcome back Markus!! :-D

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:46 AM, Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi PSC,
> we need to define rules how to name GRASS GIS. There is a discussion in
> [GRASS-user] Upon improving the GRASS-wiki
> Here my few cents:
> While the original name of the 80s has been 'GRASS', for
> obvious reasons that isn't too clear. I write 'GRASS GIS' (no dash!)
> for many years where appropriate.
> So, in the new CMS Website, on page top 'GRASS GIS', then down perhaps
> only 'GRASS' for readability.
> In titles always 'GRASS GIS'. So readers always know that we are
> speaking about a GIS.
> Makes sense?

+1 for me.
May I point out that in the user ML also a question about GRASS Wiki vs.
GRASS GIS Wiki has raised. My opinion is that GRASS Wiki is more readable.
What do you think?



Margherita DI LEO
Postdoctoral Researcher

European Commission - DG JRC
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES). Unit H03 – FRC
Via Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261

Tel. +39 0332 78 3600
margherita.di-leo at jrc.ec.europa.eu

Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not
in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the
European Commission.
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