[GRASS-PSC] Access to Grass addons

Andrea Filipello filipandre at libero.it
Thu Mar 21 01:09:16 PDT 2013

Thank you all. I hope I can make a contribution.
Best regards,

2013/3/20 Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>

> Hello Andrea,
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Andrea Filipello <filipandre at libero.it>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > my name is Andrea Filipello and I am a geologist . I am developing  some
> > addons for landslide susceptibility assessment. My mentor is Luca
> Delucchi.
> > I  would like to get the write access  to the GRASS-Addons.
> Thanks for your interest
> > I read and accepted the document RFC2.
> > My userid is kikapu.
> I have activated your account.
> Please submit code following the SUBMITTING* rules.
> Happy hacking,
> Markus

*Andrea Filipello*
Geologo, PhD in Engineering Geology
( +39 328.7074538

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