Giulia Garegnani giulia.garegnani at eurac.edu
Fri Apr 24 08:31:51 PDT 2015

Thank you Markus for the welcome but I have already a problem.
I try to do my first commit with my OSGEO-id and the psw I receive with 
the Welcome to the mailing list and I use for the OSGEO login without 
authentication problems but for the commit it seems not to work.

$ svn commit -m "Add r.green.hydro modules"
Authentication realm: <https://svn.osgeo.org:443> OSGeo Login
Password for 'ggaregnani':

Authentication realm: <https://svn.osgeo.org:443> OSGeo Login
Username: Giulia
Password for 'Giulia': **************

Authentication realm: <https://svn.osgeo.org:443> OSGeo Login
Username: Giulia
Password for 'Giulia': **************

svn: E215004: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times.
Authentication failed
svn: E120191: Additional errors:
svn: E120191: Error running context: The requested authentication 
type(s) are not supported

Can you help me,

thank you


P Think before you print

Il 08/04/2015 22:21, Markus Neteler ha scritto:
> Sounds great! I have activated your account.
> Happy coding,
> Markus

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