[GRASS-PSC] 2020 Election wiki - request for comments on details

Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2020 variablestarlight at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 10:28:23 PST 2020

Comments appreciated, so we can move forward with this. See below.



On 2020-12-16 09:18, Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 
2020 wrote:
> Good morning,
> I am now set to edit the trac wiki and start defining the process. At 
> this stage I would like us to reach a consensus regarding critical 
> parts of the process. This is preliminary, please comment and suggest 
> other options as you consider necessary.
> Number of PSC members to be elected: 10 9
> Election duration: 2020-12-1721 - 2021-01-28
> Nomination period: 2020-12-1721 - 2021-01-0711
> Reflection week: 2021-01-0711 - 2021-01-1418
> Voting period: 2021-01-1418 - 2021-01-2125
> Latest possible announcement of new PSC: 2021-01-2802-01
Are these dates reasonable?

> Eligible voters:
> - have already posted a pull request to github **(possibly only those 
> PR that have been merged)**
> Note the second criterion, what about PR:s being merged or not?

Opinions on this?

> From the current wiki drat: Election tool?
> During the Voting period, eligible voters, can vote their preferred
> candidate(s) via an on-line tool which will protect privacy.
> Which tool? How does this work?

O see that https://vote.heliosvoting.org/ was used in 2016. Is this 
being used in 2020 too? How?

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