[GRASS-PSC] proposal: winGRASS 32bit versions - phasing out in 2020

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Thu Jan 2 01:00:17 PST 2020


a few days ago, I've asked in the GRASS user ML following question [1]:

*winGRASS - still a need for 32bit versions?*


- 64bit computer architecture and 64bit windows operating systems are very
- 32bit computer architecture and 32bit windows operating systems will find
their EOL

and the important reasons:

- reduce the high maintenance burden to keep 2 build environments of
winGRASS (32bit, 64bit) alive
- facilitate to find possible (automatic) alternatives of winGRASS build
environments beside the actual MSYS2/OSGeo4W workflow  

so far, no feedback by the community that there is still a need for a
winGRASS 32bit version.

thus I propose:

* phasing out of winGRASS 32bit versions in 2020
* communicate early and communicate often ;-) about this phasing out

in my original post, I've suggested  'middle next year (2020 July 31)'

it can be discussed if it should happen at middle next year (2020 July 31)
or end of year 2020; though IMHO it should happen... ;-)

any feedback? any suggestions?


best regards
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