[GRASS-PSC] proposal: winGRASS 32bit versions - phasing out in 2020

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Feb 25 07:28:59 PST 2021

On 23/02/21 21:14, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:
> Hi PSC members,
> Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote
>> Martin Landa wrote
>>> Hi Helmut,
>>> pá 1. 5. 2020 v 22:16 odesílatel Helmut Kudrnovsky <
>>> hellik@
>>> > napsal:
>>>> not yet, as I think there should be a PSC descision/discussion before
>>>> such a
>>>> far-reaching action. :-)
>>> thanks for raising this issue. I agree that we should drop 32bit at
>>> certain point. The question is when. I would personally do this step
>>> together with QGIS community. Are you aware of any QGIS plans?
>> I'm not aware of any QGIS plan yet. I'll ask on the QGIS dev-ML in the
>> next
>> days.
>> related:
>> https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/rip-microsoft-to-drop-support-for-windows-10-on-32-bit-systems/
>> "Microsoft to drop support for Windows 10 on 32-bit systems":
>> Microsoft has stated that future versions of Windows 10, starting with the
>> May 2020 Update, will no longer be available as 32-bit builds on new OEM
>> computers.
>> all in all a good moment to phase out winGRASS 32bit versions.
> see https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-user/2021-February/082242.html
> [...]
> In OSGeo4W there has lately been a big effort to reboot it, meaning that it
> has
> been completely rebuilt using newer source versions of mostly every package
> using a newer compiler.
> [...]
> As the new OSGeo4W only supports
> 64bit
> [...]
> so it's time now (without a phasing out :-) ) to say good bye and retire
> winGRASS 32bit too.
> an announcement to the community needed?

Do I understand correctly that 32bit is already gone in the current 
osgeo4w release ? Then yes, I think an announcement would be 
appropriate. Otherwise, we could possibly combine it with the 
announcement of a grass 8 release.


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