[GRASS-PSC] Budget for 2024, sprint, OSGeo budget request

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 17:43:52 PST 2023

Dear PSC members and others,

Please, see the planned budget for GRASS GIS for 2024:


The request for OSGeo is on OSGeo wiki:


We are also sending a separate request for our community meeting (aka


After asking Angelos Tzotsos (OSGeo President), it is clear that OSGeo
expects a sprint budget request to be separate from project budget request.
After discussion between Vaclav, Vero, Anna, and Helmut, we are treating
the community meeting as an event with its own budget separate from the
GRASS GIS project budget, although the event is organized by a members of
the GRASS GIS community and the GRASS GIS project will use its budget to
support the event. Ignoring some past confusion about the requests to
OSGeo, this is practically what we did in 2023, but we are clarifying the
situation now and we are following the OSGeo budget system better.

The OSGeo budget is available at:


If you want to modify the budget or have any questions, please contact me
(the GRASS GIS treasurer) before Tuesday, Dec 19 (Wednesday, Dec 20 is the
OSGeo budget request deadline). PSC members, this does not require a
motion, but you can raise your concerns to me or publicly if needed.

The budget and requests were prepared by Vaclav (me) with contributions
from Vero, Anna, and Helmut with further support from Markus, Martin,
Helena, Huidae, and Michael. Thank you, all!


PS: I contacted Michael Smith (OSGeo Treasurer), to reopen the discussion
about paying for DeepL integration with Weblate which Markus started. This
item is not in the budget because it is OSGeo-wide, not just GRASS GIS
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