[STATSGRASS] How does Gstat handle NULL values in GRASS

Edzer J. Pebesma e.pebesma at geog.uu.nl
Thu Jul 4 07:01:06 EDT 2002


Gstat calls the grass function G_is_null_value() (which is in libgis.a)
to determine whether a cell value is considered "missing value" (null
in Grass) or not, so I guess you'd have to do something with your -9999
values within grass, or while importing things to grass, to make sure 
they're dealt with as missing/null values.

Best regards,

Ulrich Leopold wrote:
> not really. but i applied gstat outside of grass with grass ascii maps. this
> worked quite fine. so i guess it will work within grass the same way as
> gstat recognized -9999 as missing values(NULL values). But i still have to
> explore this for being sure about it.

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