[STATSGRASS] Re: [GRASSLIST:1512] system() & R
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Fri Oct 17 07:29:25 EDT 2003
On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Cannata, Massimiliano wrote:
> Hello users,
> i write an R script that execute temperature interpolation
> inside a GRASS environmental.
> Now all i want to do is write a GRASS command that send
> some variable and command to my system.....
> After having started my GRASS section i have to run my
> command, set my variable and then trogth the C system()
> command start my R section, execute my script.R and quit
> R.
> My problem is that after starting R section my system do
> not go on..... is waiting for command input.....
> Have you the solution?
> Follows my code:
> //variable setted
> timestamp = input->answer;
> dtm=elevation->answer;
> //start R
> system("R;");
I think this is where things are falling apart. My guess would be that
this is starting an *interactive* R. You need rather to write the whole R
command file first, then set appropriate environment variables, then call
R as a batch job, saving the output as appropriate. There is a good
section on this in Neteler/Mitasova (2002) in the chapter on interfacing
with other software. Have a look at:
and some of the resources there too. Running R as a batch job is also
covered in R, R --help shows some, R BATCH --help some more. By the way,
sending R code through system() to your regular shell is not likely to
work, but if you want to use sockets, R can read from and write to them
too. Then you could perhaps "interact" with an R instance started by
system("R --vanilla < give_me_a_socket.R > output_to_log.txt");
or whatever, where the input file gets R ready to read from your socket
connection. But in general people write batch files ahead of time, and
pass variable strings into R using environment variables in the batch
script (see Sys.getenv()).
> //delete all variable
> system("rm(list = ls());");
> //set the R variable Ttime & dem
> command = strcat("Ttime<-'",(const char*)timestamp);
> command = strcat(command,"' > /home/tmp.txt");
> system(command);
> printf(command);
> command = strcat("dem<-'",(const char*)dtm);
> command = strcat(command,"' > /home/tmp.txt");
> system(command);
> printf(command);
> //run my R script
> system("source(/home/mcannata/Rscript/temper.R)>tmp.txt");
> printf("eleboration running...");
> //write my Raster to GRASS
> command = "rast.put(G,lname=";
> strcat(command,(const char*)timestamp);
> strcat(command,",Temperatura$t)");
> printf(command);
> //delete redirected output
> system("rm /home/tmp.txt");
> //stop R session
> system("q()");
> --------------------------------------
> Eng. Massimiliano Cannata
> Phd student
> www.supsi.ch
Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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