[STATSGRASS] rast.put & rast.get for spgrass6

Rohan Sadler rsadler at cyllene.uwa.edu.au
Mon Apr 25 02:29:31 EDT 2005

Dear Statgrass,

Please give me a time frame for when grass6 equivalents of rast.get and rast.put
will be posted for library spgrass6.

I can't wait to put them to work on the computing cluster I use, especially now
that grass6 supports multiple sessions.

It would definitely go a long way towards my situation of needing to generate
and measure 100000's of grassland patterns in order to explore the parameter
space of my spatio-temporal grassland model in R.

Rohan Sadler
Ecosystems Research Group & School of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Western Australia

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