SV: SV: [STATSGRASS] spgrass6 rastget6 bug??
Roger Bivand
Roger.Bivand at
Thu Mar 23 11:17:02 EST 2006
If you can download the source package and edit that line in the only file in the R directory, then do R CMD INSTALL spgrass6, you'll get a version with your change which will stay around between R sessions. An even faster way is to say fix(readFLOAT6sp), you can edit it for that session (and maybe save it with
sink("new_version.R") etc.
I'll change the function in the package when I have access to the codebase.
Roger Bivand, NHH, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Roger.Bivand at
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Ulrich Leopold [mailto:uleopold at]
Sendt: to 23.03.2006 15:17
Til: Roger Bivand
Kopi: uleopold at; statsgrass at
Emne: Re: SV: [STATSGRASS] spgrass6 rastget6 bug??
> Please try the command by hand within R with debug(rast.get6). When
> rast.get6() calls other interface functions, please enter debug(that_function)
> to follow the trail all the way back to the command that is giving the
> progress report. If the annoying progress percentages are on stderr, probably
> they can be caught somewhere, but first we need to see where they are coming
> from and stop them.
Roger, I used
debug(rast.get6(c("surface_alzette_sealed", "precip_obkp"), cat=c(TRUE,FALSE)))
but it did not stop anywhere and produced a large entry in the RAM (1.5GB).
But I was watching the processes and it came to my mind that r.out.arc could
cause teh problem. So I checked on the GRASS commandline to be sure and it
indeed gives the progress percentage.
So I used the following command to stop GRASS writing a message to stderr:
r.out.arc input=map output=map.txt 2>/dev/null
This command "r.out.arc" is used by readFLOAT6sp in rast.get6 on line 11 (here
line 12). But where can I built in now "2>/dev/null" there and write the new
function (vname)
pid <- as.integer(round(runif(1, 1, 1000)))
p4 <- CRS(getLocationProj())
for (i in seq(along = vname)) {
gtmpfl1 <- system(paste("g.tempfile pid=", pid, sep = ""),
intern = TRUE)
rtmpfl1 <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows",
system(paste("cygpath -w",
gtmpfl1, sep = " "), intern = TRUE), gtmpfl1)
system(paste("r.out.arc input=", vname[i], " output=",
gtmpfl1, sep = ""))
res <- readAsciiGrid(rtmpfl1, colname = vname[i], proj4string = p4)
to_int <- length(which(unlist(strsplit(system(paste(" -t",
vname[i]), intern = TRUE), "=")) == "CELL")) > 0
if (to_int)
res at data[[1]] <- as.integer(res at data[[1]])
if (i == 1)
resa <- res
else {
grida <- getGridTopology(resa)
grid <- getGridTopology(res)
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(grida, grid)))
stop("topology is not equal")
onames <- c(names(resa at data), names(res at data))
ncols <- dim(resa at data)[2]
lst <- vector(mode = "list", length = ncols + 1)
names(lst) <- onames
for (i in 1:ncols) lst[[i]] <- resa at data[[i]]
lst[[ncols + 1]] <- res at data[[1]]
resa <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grid = grida, data = AttributeList(lst),
proj4string = p4)
> ---
> Roger Bivand, NHH, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
> Roger.Bivand at
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: statsgrass-admin at på vegne av Ulrich Leopold
> Sendt: to 23.03.2006 10:58
> Til: statsgrass at
> Emne: [STATSGRASS] spgrass6 rastget6 bug??
> Dear list,
> I am trying to automate some statistics with the help of the latest version of
> spgrass6 and rastget6. The problem I encounter is that when I load maps from
> within GRASS-6.0.1 with
> alzette <- rast.get6(c("surface_alzette_sealed", "precip_obkp"), cat=c(TRUE,
> it shows a progress which only counts to 96%. Then this number blocks the next
> command in a script. The only way to get around it is to press return on the
> command line which I cannot do in the script.
> Is this a bug. And if yes. Do you know any work arounds?
> Any help appreciated.
> Cheers, Ulrich
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