[STATSGRASS] Any suggestions?

Raffaele Morelli raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 09:41:02 EDT 2006

> > So I can read and plot those attributes without running R inside a GRASS
> > session.
> > Did I understand?
> Yes, exactly. The geometries are stored in GRASS, is that correct?

Should I store geometries too in MySQL for best performances?

For errors in R of any kind, please include the output of:
> traceback()
> issued immediately after the error.

I was too hurry, now everything it's ok, the error disappeared using
remove.duplicates=TRUE when launching readVECT6, cause some areas "share"
the same category in my vector.

I will follow your precious suggestions and send you feedbacks about
visualization and data handling.

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