[STATSGRASS] gmeta6() returns empty string
Tilmann Steinmetz
tilmann.steinmetz at geo.uni-halle.de
Wed Feb 28 04:50:55 EST 2007
Thanks Roger and Hamish,
I tried g.gisenv (good) and made an attempt with debug(gmeta6())
(unsuccessful)- output below. I am not aware of FreeBSD doing anything weird
in exporting paths or environment variables in general. My shell is sh but I
tried using bash too (same thing)
However, these 2 things came to my mind:
1.) using g.region -d from within Grass (be it grass62 -text or the tcl-gui)
I get an empty string- this is wrong if I understand right? should (and can)
that be remediated? is this the cause of all this trouble?
2.) if LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or the lack thereof) is to be blamed, then is there
a way to force the R environment to "inherit" from its parent environment
using something like > system("source .bashrc") within R? but then that
again could probably only get the "grass g.region -d" empty string.
(why is g.region -d used in the first place, if g.region -g could be used? -
that was my first try: replace gmeta6() with a function thats identical to
it, but calls "g.region -g3", which failed because somewhere in the process
some function call goes to g.region -d again..)
g.gisenv seems Ok:
Welcome to GRASS 6.2.1 (2006)
GRASS homepage: http://grass.itc.it/
This version running thru: Bourne Shell (/bin/sh)
Help is available with the command: g.manual -i
See the licence terms with: g.version -c
Start the graphical user interface with: gis.m &
When ready to quit enter: exit
Mapset <user1> in Location <spearfish60>
GRASS-GRID > g.gisenv
Mapset <user1> in Location <spearfish60>
GRASS-GRID > eval `g.gisenv`
Mapset <user1> in Location <spearfish60>
proj: 1
zone: 13
north: 4928010
south: 4913700
east: 609000
west: 589980
cols: 634
rows: 477
e-w resol: 30
n-s resol: 30
top: 1
bottom: 0
cols3: 634
rows3: 477
depths: 1
e-w resol3: 30
n-s resol3: 30
t-b resol: 1
Mapset <user1> in Location <spearfish60>
whereas debugging shows that gmeta6() stops right away at the first
evaluation of the "g.region -g3" expression:
> debug(gmeta6())
debugging in: gmeta6()
debug: {
tull <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", tx <-
system("g.region -g3",
intern = TRUE), tx <- system("g.region -g3", intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr))
tx <- gsub("=", ":", tx)
con <- textConnection(tx)
res <- read.dcf(con)
lres <- as.list(res)
names(lres) <- colnames(res)
lres$n <- as.double(lres$n)
lres$s <- as.double(lres$s)
lres$w <- as.double(lres$w)
lres$e <- as.double(lres$e)
lres$t <- as.double(lres$t)
lres$b <- as.double(lres$b)
lres$nsres <- as.double(lres$nsres)
lres$nsres3 <- as.double(lres$nsres3)
lres$ewres <- as.double(lres$ewres)
lres$ewres3 <- as.double(lres$ewres3)
lres$tbres <- as.double(lres$tbres)
if (length(lres$rows) == 0)
lres$rows <- abs(as.integer((lres$n - lres$s)/lres$nsres))
else lres$rows <- as.integer(lres$rows)
if (length(lres$rows3) == 0)
lres$rows3 <- lres$rows
else lres$rows3 <- as.integer(lres$rows3)
if (length(lres$cols) == 0)
lres$cols <- abs(as.integer((lres$e - lres$w)/lres$ewres))
else lres$cols <- as.integer(lres$cols)
if (length(lres$cols3) == 0)
lres$cols3 <- lres$cols
else lres$cols3 <- as.integer(lres$cols3)
if (length(lres$depths) == 0)
lres$depths <- abs(as.integer((lres$t - lres$b)/lres$tbres))
else lres$depths <- as.integer(lres$depths)
lres$proj4 <- getLocationProj()
tull <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", gisenv <-
intern = TRUE), gisenv <- system("g.gisenv", intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr))
gisenv <- gsub("[';]", "", gisenv)
gisenv <- strsplit(gisenv, "=")
glist <- as.list(sapply(gisenv, function(x) x[2]))
names(glist) <- sapply(gisenv, function(x) x[1])
lres <- c(glist, lres)
class(lres) <- "gmeta6"
debug: tull <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", tx <-
system("g.region -g3",
intern = TRUE), tx <- system("g.region -g3", intern = TRUE,
ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr))
ERROR: default region is invalid
line 11: <top: 1>
debug: tx <- gsub("=", ":", tx)
debug: con <- textConnection(tx)
debug: res <- read.dcf(con)
debug: close(con)
debug: lres <- as.list(res)
debug: names(lres) <- colnames(res)
debug: lres$n <- as.double(lres$n)
debug: lres$s <- as.double(lres$s)
debug: lres$w <- as.double(lres$w)
debug: lres$e <- as.double(lres$e)
debug: lres$t <- as.double(lres$t)
debug: lres$b <- as.double(lres$b)
debug: lres$nsres <- as.double(lres$nsres)
debug: lres$nsres3 <- as.double(lres$nsres3)
debug: lres$ewres <- as.double(lres$ewres)
debug: lres$ewres3 <- as.double(lres$ewres3)
debug: lres$tbres <- as.double(lres$tbres)
debug: if (length(lres$rows) == 0) lres$rows <- abs(as.integer((lres$n -
lres$s)/lres$nsres)) else lres$rows <- as.integer(lres$rows)
debug: if (length(lres$rows3) == 0) lres$rows3 <- lres$rows else lres$rows3
<- as.integer(lres$rows3)
debug: if (length(lres$cols) == 0) lres$cols <- abs(as.integer((lres$e -
lres$w)/lres$ewres)) else lres$cols <- as.integer(lres$cols)
debug: if (length(lres$cols3) == 0) lres$cols3 <- lres$cols else lres$cols3
<- as.integer(lres$cols3)
debug: if (length(lres$depths) == 0) lres$depths <- abs(as.integer((lres$t -
lres$b)/lres$tbres)) else lres$depths <- as.integer(lres$depths)
debug: lres$proj4 <- getLocationProj()
/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: g.proj: Undefined symbol "G_gettext"
Error in if (is.na(projstr)) uprojargs <- projstr else uprojargs <-
paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(projstr, :
argument is of length zero
I'm at a loss here. As I said I could live with "manually" assigning the
correct projection and/or environment from within R- just don't get it done.
I faintly remember seeing something like it being used at a time before
gmeta() was there- or am I wrong?
Am Dienstag 27 Februar 2007 22:26 schrieb Roger Bivand:
> Yesterday 22:26:14
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Tilmann Steinmetz wrote:
> > Am Dienstag 27 Februar 2007 21:07 schrieb Roger Bivand:
> > > On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Tilmann Steinmetz wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > I am having difficulties getting the region environment settings
> > > > grass into R using gmeta6() (see output below).
> > >
> > > If your LOCATION is spearfish*, the examples should work. I am not
> > > aware of any reason why FreeBSD should not work normally. Do you
> > > actually need gmeta6(), it is pretty deprecated now? Do readVECT6() or
> > > readRAST6() work?
> >
> > oh, I see!
> >
> > > It looks like a PATH/GRASSRC issue of some kind, where debugging at a
> > > distance is not an option. What does:
> > >
> > > Sys.getenv("GISRC")
> > >
> > > say?
> >
> > it's just the same with those:
> > > system("v.info bugsites")
> >
> > /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: v.info: Undefined symbol "G_gettext"
> This is saying that when you try to run v.info, the underlying GRASS
> module is failing. There is *no* compiled code in spgrass6, so anything
> passed through system() should just work. Yours doesn't, you have a pretty
> non-standard system, so you have to work out why the GRASS shared
> libraries are not being seen by GRASS compiled modules when run from with
> R, but can apparently be seen when you leave R in the same shell.
> So:
> you open a terminal; you start GRASS -text in the terminal in your
> location; g.region -g works; you start R at the GRASS shell prompt
> in that terminal; system("g.region -g") does not work; q(); and g.region
> -g works again. This is FreeBSD shell layering of some kind, or
> LD_LIBRARY_* not being exported across shell instances. Are you running
> bash or sh or csh?
> To understand debug, ?debug
> Roger
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