[STATSGRASS] semivariogram as local variance estimator

javier garcia-pintado jgarcia at ija.csic.es
Thu Jan 25 08:14:40 EST 2007


Could you indicate me about any reference with a procedure (if exists) available to estimate a within block variance on base of a semivariogram?:
Lets say that we obtain a semivariogram with a specific support size (e.g. each support point representing a 100x100m cell).
Is it posible to use the semivariogram in someway as an unbiased estimator of the expected variance of the 10x10m subcells (100 cells) contained in any of the coarse scale 100x100m cells in the grid?  


PD:  Jon, this is about the point related to "uncertainties associated
to estimates" I told you I still need to resolve about rainfall estimates.
     Best regards.

Javier García-Pintado
Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC)
Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n, 08028 Barcelona
Phone: +34 934095410
Fax:   +34 934110012
e-mail:jgarcia at ija.csic.es 

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