[GRASS-stats] Raster maps from GRASS to R and back to GRASS?

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Apr 21 12:17:06 EDT 2009

Roger, Dylan and grass-stats-listers,

  I can't "solve" the random-NULL production of writeRAST6. I tried
again with only 3 bands which are identical with respect to their
extent/resolution/etc. I am not sending more data (e.g. as I promised to
send 6 modis bands) since the "problem" occurs with simpler dataset(s).

  The grass-location with the specific MODIS bands is the one I have
already uploaded in gregis [1].

I also repeated the test with landsat7 images from the spearfish
location but all works fine there!

  I am trying to present the problem as simple as possible (commands
follow after step-by-step description):

1. launch R from within a GRASS-location
2. load library spgrass6 and projection information (gmeta6)
3. load _three_ modis bands in one object
4. create an NA-mask using the function complete.cases()
5. extract "values" only form the initial 3-modis-bands object
6. perform pca on "values" based on svd [that is with function prcomp()]
7. create new columns in the initial 3-modis-bands object
8. fill-in with the PC's produced by prcomp()
9. write back to grass with writeRAST6

Viewing the produced raster maps there are many "random" NULLs where all
original raster maps are filled with some integer value.

I guess those NULLs are not "random" at all - but I have no idea what
the reason for this behavior is.

Check the "Value Tool", bottom left on the screen-shots [2][3][4]. Note
that the mouse-pointer is a bit "shifted" -- don't know why, but it
should be over the "black pixels"!

# # # # # # # # # # #
# using: grass65, R2.8.1, latest spgrass6 installed today, GDAL 1.6
# on: Ubuntu Intrepid 64-bit
# launch grass in location/mapset "peloponnese_hgrs87/PERMAMENT"
# code in R

# load spgrass6 and projection information
library(spgrass6) ; G <- gmeta6()

# load modis bands
mod_pre_b267.raw <- readRAST6 (c('mod_b2', 'mod_b6', 'mod_b7'))
# str(mod_pre_b267.raw)
# summary(mod_pre_b267.raw)

# create NA mask using complete.cases()
mod_pre_b267.na_mask <- complete.cases(mod_pre_b267.raw at data)
# str(mod_pre_b267.na_mask)
# summary(mod_pre_b267.na_mask)

# get values based on na_mask
mod_pre_b267 <- mod_pre_b267.raw at data[mod_pre_b267.na_mask, ]

# perform pca (svd)
prcomp.mod_pre_b267 <- prcomp(mod_pre_b267, scale=TRUE)

# create new columns in initial object
mod_pre_b267.raw at data$pc1 <- NA
mod_pre_b267.raw at data$pc2 <- NA
mod_pre_b267.raw at data$pc3 <- NA

# fill-in with PCs
mod_pre_b267.raw at data$pc1[mod_pre_b267.na_mask] <- prcomp.mod_pre_b267
mod_pre_b267.raw at data$pc2[mod_pre_b267.na_mask] <- prcomp.mod_pre_b267
mod_pre_b267.raw at data$pc3[mod_pre_b267.na_mask] <- prcomp.mod_pre_b267

# write back to grass
writeRAST6(mod_pre_b267.raw, zcol=4, vname="fake1", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRAST6(mod_pre_b267.raw, zcol=5, vname="fake2", overwrite=TRUE)
writeRAST6(mod_pre_b267.raw, zcol=6, vname="fake3", overwrite=TRUE)

# check the "random" NULL's, e.g. with qgis
# # # # # # # # # # #

Hopefully you will have the time to have a look at it. Kindest regards,

[1] grass location containint three MODIS surface reflectance bands:

[2] http://imageshack.gr/view.php?file=owj2xu833u6678c3zvch.png
[3] http://imageshack.gr/view.php?file=n65vfvoo07t3njywfjjo.png
[4] http://imageshack.gr/view.php?file=sb9l315wazoeue0rgrj9.png

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