[GRASS-stats] Incompatible library version for module SOLVED but new problem with plugin=TRUE has emerged

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Sat Jan 10 08:20:12 EST 2009

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
> The current settings of readRAST6() will use the plugin if available (but
> try to check that the regions match) when plugin=NULL. If you want to force
> the use of r.out.gdal, set plugin=FALSE and useGDAL=TRUE (version 0.5-16).
> Please let me know if this helps.

I have installed R (R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)) + extensions from scratch.
I get now this message (GRASS book p. 358):

> elev <- readRAST6("elev_state_500m", mapset="PERMANENT", ignore.stderr=TRUE)
           cols            rows origin.northing  origin.easting
          FALSE           FALSE           FALSE            TRUE
Warning message:
In readRAST6("elev_state_500m", mapset = "PERMANENT",  :
  set plugin=FALSE - raster/current window mismatch
  or plugin=TRUE to override; continuing with plugin=FALSE

To me it is not clear from the message that I should (better) set

Ideally, the interface would work as simple as this
 elev <- readRAST6("elev_state_500m")

which would
* find the map in the current mapset search path (internally, use g.findfile),
  in my tests I was in a mapset different from PERMANENT which leads to
     elev <- readRAST6("elev_state_500m", ignore.stderr=TRUE)
     Error in .local(.Object, ...) :
        GDAL Error 4:
`/home/neteler/grassdata/nc_spm_07/user1/cellhd/elev_state_500m' does
not exist in the file system,
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.

* use the current region (internally, use r.in.gdal and not the plugin
if GRASS >= 6.4)

Successfully, I have used today:
elev <- readRAST6("elev_state_500m", mapset="PERMANENT",
ignore.stderr=TRUE, plugin=FALSE, useGDAL=TRUE)

which is rather long/complex.

Hope I am not asking too much - try to compensate with GRASS 6.4.x work :)


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