[GRASS-stats] universal kriging with spgrass6

mathieu grelier greliermathieu at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 08:47:24 EDT 2009

First I think everyone here has its own domain of competence, so please
don't answer as if I was at school, I'm not sure all these classes are so
obvious for all GRASS users. Please clearly display the R requirements to
post in the list if they exist
I just try to implement UK in a GRASS process for a larger mapping system
architecture. I think in some way it could be feasible : it should not be
for me to understand how.

Also always consider improving your doc and/or your design : it shouldn't be
normal for a non-specialist to spend so much time to understand how to
manipulate the objects to achieve UK with GRASS.

Obviously I don't have time to study the R internals and I've just tried to
quickly reproduce the working R code with meuse dataset, which use a
dataframe as input data.
By the way, the rest of the code is yours, you personally gave me at the
I understood that this is a colunm name problem and now I'm no longer sure
what I want to do is possible without modification in gstat.
But I thought maybe there was a workaround?

Now I see it makes no sense but the initial R example seems to work with a
data.frame as input data and it induced me in error.
Best regards.


2009/6/29 Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>

> On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, mathieu grelier wrote:
>  ok,
>> From your answers, I've tried to play with the SpatialPointsDataFrame
>> object
>> imported from GRASS to fit the gstat krige function requirements. Basic
>> idea
>> seemed to work with the "data" attribute of the imported object, adding
>> the
>> missing coordinates columns :
>>  sitesR <- readVECT6("grass_sites")
>>> class(sitesR)
>>> [1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
>>> d = attr(sitesR,"data")
>>> d
>>          site value cat
>> 1           Ail      81.80   1
>> 2     All      38.50   2
>> 3     Arg     103.50   3
>> 4           Avb      52.50   4
>> ...
>>  sitesR$x <- coordinates(sitesR)[,1]
>>> sitesR$y <- coordinates(sitesR)[,2]
>>> d = attr(sitesR,"data")
> **NO**, there are no attr() in an S4 class. Just do the obvious thing:
> d <- as(sitesR, "data.frame")
> **BUT** you shouldn't be doing this at all, the data= argument in gstat can
> take a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
>  class(d)
>> [1] "data.frame"
>>> d
>>          site value cat        x       y
>> 1           Ail      81.80   1 825094.9 6796083
>> 2     All      38.50   2 758780.4 6851508
>> 3     Arg     103.50   3 818973.3 6796125
>> 4           Avb      52.50   4 775136.0 6877271
>> ...
>>  coordinates(d) = ~x+y
> (Check, it has lost its x and y columns again, hasn't it?)
> str(d)
>  attr(d, "proj4string") <-CRS(G$proj4)
> **NO**!!! These are S4 classes, no attr()!!!
>>  G <- gmeta6()
>>> grd <- gmeta2grd()
> **PLEASE** don't do this! You cannot set one slot without resetting the
> others if you want to cover the GRASS region. If you want something
> different, use g.region in GRASS and just gmeta2grd().
>  slot(grd, "cellsize") <- c(1000, 1000)
>>> data <- data.frame(list(k=rep(1,(floor(G$cols)*floor(G$rows)))))
>>> mask_SG <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, data=data, CRS(G$proj4))
> What is this supposed to be? What we've told you already is that mask_SG
> needs to be a Spatial*DataFrame with "x" and "y" columns, why are you not
> doing it?
>>  predictors = "x+y"
>>> kriging_result = autoKrige(as.formula(paste(column,"~",predictors)), d,
>> mask_SG)
>> Result was :
>> Error in gstat.formula.predict(d$formula, newdata, na.action = na.action,
>>  :
>>  NROW(locs) != NROW(X): this should not occur
>> Warning messages:
>> 1: 'newdata' had 7900 rows but variable(s) found have 73 rows
>> 2: 'newdata' had 7900 rows but variable(s) found have 73 rows
> No traceback()? Why? Isn't it obvious that it has found the x and y values
> in d (73 long)?
>  1)do you think this approach could be successful?
>> 2)If so, can you help me with this error?
> Try doing everything in very small steps manually. Use gstat not automap,
> to avoid the extra layer of uncertainty. Simply try to set up a gstat()
> object for trend surface and predict from it:
> g_tr1a <- gstat("tr1a", <whatever column was> ~ 1, d, degree=1)
> pr_tr1a <- predict(g_tr1a, mask_SG)
> Once that (untried) works, go further, not until. I still suspect that this
> is to do with the colnames of the coordinates, (x, y) in one case and
> (coords1, coords2) or some such in the other.
> Please do study the gstat help pages and the examples, they will help, but
> you are jumping to far too many conclusions.
> Roger
>> Mathieu
>> 2009/6/26 Edzer Pebesma <edzer.pebesma at uni-muenster.de>
>>> Roger Bivand wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Edzer Pebesma wrote:
>>>>  Mathieu, that could very well be the case. Note that x+y do not
>>>>> "generally" refer to x- and y-coordinates, but are the actual names of
>>>>> the coordinates (or something else). From your example I cannot find
>>>>> out
>>>>> whether the coordinates are named x and y. In addition, they should
>>>>> have
>>>>> identical names in sitesR and mask_SG.
>>>> Yes, it is beginning to look like the names in mask_SG, isn't it? Do
>>>> you have a view on whether degree= should be mandatory, or does the
>>>> infrastructure recognise coordinate RHS variables and rescale them
>>>> automatically (I doubt the latter)? Why do users use trend variables
>>>> in this way - the range of values in the (X'X) matrix becomes enormous
>>>> with the usual metre metric for coordinates?
>>> Another question we could ask (ourselves) is why in R we allow users to
>>> give their coordinates the names they like. I remember that for that
>>> sole reason (need to rename) I added the function
>>> coordnames(x) = c("u", "v")
>>> to sp. In case they're called "lon" and "lat", they also don't change
>>> name after projection. But maybe I talk too much with people worrying
>>> about semantics, these days. ;-)
>>> --
>>> Edzer
>>>> Roger
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Edzer
>>>>> mathieu grelier wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I am trying to achieve universal kriging with GRASS and R through
>>>>> spgrass6
>>>>> package.
>>>>> Maybe you could help me to find the right R syntax.
>>>>> As in the gstat doc, the polynomial I try to use for now is "x+y"
>>>>>  Dear all,
>>>>>> I am trying to achieve universal kriging with GRASS and R through
>>>>>> spgrass6
>>>>>> package.
>>>>>> Maybe you could help me to find the right R syntax.
>>>>>> As in the gstat doc, the polynomial I try to use for now is "x+y"
>>>>>> In R, with automap package, this works :
>>>>>>  data(meuse)
>>>>>>> coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
>>>>>>> data(meuse.grid)
>>>>>>> gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
>>>>>>> column = "zinc"
>>>>>>>  ##Ordinary kriging :
>>>>>>  predictors = "1"
>>>>>>> autoKrige(as.formula(paste(column,"~", predictors)), meuse,
>>>>>>> meuse.grid)
>>>>>>>  ##Universal kriging :
>>>>>>  predictors = "x+y"
>>>>>>> autoKrige(as.formula(paste(column,"~", predictors)), meuse,
>>>>>>> meuse.grid)
>>>>>> But using spgrass6, it becomes (some steps have been skipped):
>>>>>>  sitesR <- readVECT6("grass_sites")
>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>  mask_SG <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, data=data, CRS(G$proj4))
>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>> ##Ordinary kriging => WORKS:
>>>>>>  predictors = "1"
>>>>>>> kriging_result = autoKrige(as.formula(paste(column,"~",predictors)),
>>>>>>>  sitesR, mask_SG)
>>>>>> ##Universal kriging => ERROR:
>>>>>>  predictors = "x+y"
>>>>>>> kriging_result = autoKrige(as.formula(paste(column,"~",predictors)),
>>>>>>>  sitesR, mask_SG)
>>>>>>  Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : "x" object not found
>>>>>> Why can't we use the x an y columns here?
>>>>>> Maybe it is because the meuse and sites R data.frames don't have the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> structure ?
>>>>>>  class(meuse)
>>>>>>>  [1] "data.frame"
>>>>>>  attributes(meuse)
>>>>>>>  $names
>>>>>>  [1] "x"       "y"       "cadmium" "copper"  "lead"    "zinc"
>>>>>>  "elev"
>>>>>>  class(sitesR)
>>>>>>>  [1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
>>>>>>  attributes(sitesR)
>>>>>>>  $bbox
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> $proj4string
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> $coords
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> $data
>>>>>>           site value cat        x       y
>>>>>> 1Ai      81.80   1 825094.9 6796083
>>>>>> 2     Al      38.50   2 758780.4 6851508
>>>>>> 3     Ar     103.50   3 818973.3 6796125
>>>>>> 4           Av      52.50   4 775136.0 6877271
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> grass-stats mailing list
>>>>>> grass-stats at lists.osgeo.org
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>>> --
>>> Edzer Pebesma
>>> Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster
>>> Weseler Straße 253, 48151 Münster, Germany. Phone: +49 251
>>> 8333081, Fax: +49 251 8339763 http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de/
>>> http://www.springer.com/978-0-387-78170-9 e.pebesma at wwu.de
> --
> Roger Bivand
> Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
> Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
> Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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