[GRASS-stats] Loading a point-vector table with 466 columns

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Fri May 22 17:08:21 EDT 2009

> > I am trying to load a BIG table (=466 columns, 875 rows) of a grass
> > point-vector map in R. It takes too long to respond (as expected of
> > course)...

OK, I let it run and it worked. BUT, I forgot to use some kind of time
measuring (I read somewhere that it's pretty easy to do so in R). 

I only know that it took more than 30 mins which, comparing to some
seconds of reading the .csv file is far away from "working ok". I can
let it run again if I find that time-measuring function again.

Cheers, Nikos

# the command and the response (just for the records)
# running R from within a GRASS location

# loading "spgrass6"
library(spgrass6) ; G <- gmeta6()

# read the attribute table
sample_2 <- readVECT6("sample_2_grid_points")

OGR data source with driver: GRASS 
"/geo/grassdb/peloponnese/evaluation_utm/nik/vector/sample_2_grid_points/head", layer: "1"
with  875  rows and  466  columns
Feature type: wkbPoint with 3 dimensions

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