[GRASS-stats] Loading a point-vector table with 466 columns

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon May 25 02:08:21 EDT 2009

Roger wrote:
> >> The plugin also creates a fictitious third dimension in
> >> (point at least) data that has created havoc, and has led
> >> to readVECT6() getting a pointDropZ= argument - that's why it
> >> says that wkbPoint is 3 with the plugin and (correctly) 2
> >> otherwise.
> OK, looks like calls to Vect_is_3d(poMap) missing in 
> *OGRGRASSLayer::GetFeatureGeometry about lines after 851 in
> ogf_frmts/grass/ogrgrasslayer.cpp; the problem exists for
> all geometry types, just emitting a z value even if the vect is
> 2D. I can't see that Vect_read_line returns z as NULL if not 3D -
> Vect_is_3d() is not used much in lib/vector/*.

filed as gdalbug #3009:  https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3009
Roger I added you in cc there but suggest to change it to your osgeoid
before the spam scanners find your email addr.

> I cannot get into the osgeo trac -

yeah, it has been having troubles lately, just give it 5 minutes and
try again.  see http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.grass.devel/33404



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