[GRASS-stats] Loading a point-vector table with 466 columns

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Tue May 26 06:48:33 EDT 2009

(Cc to Even Roualt ; Apologies to Even since he is not subscribed in the

> >> Three minutes instead of thirty+ suggests that the OGR
> >> plugin has trouble with SQLite as the DB format. So maybe
> >> the default for plugin= should be FALSE, not NULL and automatic
> >> use if present?

> Could you, Nikos, 
> make a script generating a similar table in spearfish, and two small 
> scripts exercising the problem (export to R with the plugin, and with
> the temporary shapefile.

* The "problem" exists also with the default DBF as a back-end. I
created 1000 random points, filled less than half of the records with
random numbers and readVECT6("x", plugin=TRUE) takes again too much. I
broke the process since it was running for more than 20 mins.

* A script is pasted on the bottom which has a small "bug" (details
below) :-)

First some results for 1000 rows by 500 columns:

> system.time(random_points <- readVECT6("random_points_1000",
OGR data source with driver: GRASS 
Source: "/geo/grassdb/spearfish60/user1/vector/random_points_1000/head",
layer: "1"
with  1000  rows and  501  columns
### This was running for more than 10 hours !!! ###

> system.time(random_points <- readVECT6("random_points_1000",
Exporting 1000 points/lines...
1000 features written
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "/geo/grassdb/spearfish60/user1/.tmp/vertical", layer:
with  1000  rows and  501  columns
Feature type: wkbPoint with 2 dimensions
   user  system elapsed 
 62.515   9.256  74.013 

> system.time(random_points <- read.csv("random_points_1000_table.csv"))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.192   0.000   0.192

* A script to generate "some" random points, add columns and some R-code
to load with readVECT6( plugin = TRUE ), readVECT6( plugin = FALSE ) and

* The "bug" is that while the variable NUMBER="$[ ( $RANDOM % 100 ) +
1 ]" runs ok under the CLI, it doesn't work from within the bash
script!? So I've commented the respective line and use a fixed number


# example that  readVECT6 ( x , plugin = TRUE )  is too slow
# (also) using the default DBF driver
# first enter in spearfish60/user1

# try with a different back-end?
# db.connect driver=sqlite database=

# set numbers here:

# create RANDOM_POINTS random points
v.random --o output=random_points_`echo ${RANDOM_POINTS}` n=`echo

# add in database
v.db.addtable random_points_`echo ${RANDOM_POINTS}`

# add   $"{RANDOM_POINTS}"   columns
echo "\n* Adding ${RANDOM_POINTS} columns"
for x in `seq 1 ${RANDOM_POINTS}` ; do
 v.db.addcol random_points_`echo ${RANDOM_POINTS}` column="col_"${x}"
done ; echo "\n* ${RANDOM_POINTS} columns added"

# check if columns are added
v.info -c random_points_${RANDOM_POINTS}

## WARNING: double loop below takes too long!
# --%<--
# It is simpler and faster to use a single loop with a fixed value
instead, e.g.:
  #for COL in `seq 1 5 ${RANDOM_POINTS}` ; do
  # v.db.update random_points_${RANDOM_POINTS} column="col_"${COL}""
# --%<--

# fill some columns/cats with random numbers between 1 and 100
# alter sequence as desired ; more numbers = more time to load in R
for COL in `seq 1 10 ${RANDOM_POINTS}` ; do
 for CAT in `seq 1 10 ${RANDOM_POINTS_CATS}` ; do
  # this is ok in the command line but NOT when running the script?
  #NUMBER="$[ ( $RANDOM % 100 ) + 1 ]"
  v.db.update random_points_${RANDOM_POINTS} column="col_"${COL}""
value=${NUMBER} where="cat="${CAT}""

# [optional] fill in some "-999" values to use as NAs in R?
#for COL in `seq 1 5 $"{RANDOM_POINTS}"` ; do
# for CAT in `seq 1 5 $"{RANDOM_POINTS_CATS}"` ; do
#  v.db.update random_points_$"{RANDOM_POINTS}" column="col_"${COL}""
value=$"{NAN}" where="cat="${CAT}""
# done

# check with v.db.select
# v.db.select random_points_${RANDOM_POINTS} | head -25

# export table as .csv file
db.out.ogr in=random_points_${RANDOM_POINTS} format=CSV

### end of bash script ###

## launch R
### R code

# load in R with:
library(spgrass6) ; G <- gmeta6()

 #a. readVECT6()
 system.time ( random_points <- readVECT6 ( "random_points_100" , plugin
= FALSE ) )

 #b. plugin=TRUE
 system.time ( random_points <- readVECT6 ( "random_points_100" , plugin
= TRUE ) )

 #c. as a csv table
 # adjust as required 
 table_to_read <- dir ( pattern = "^random.*.csv$" )
 system.time ( random_points <- read.csv ( table_to_read ) )

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