[GRASS-stats] creating a grid from a contour vector shape

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Wed Sep 9 03:45:30 EDT 2009

Hi Alexandre,

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 10:29 PM, alexandre
villers<alexandre.villers at cebc.cnrs.fr> wrote:
> Good evening,
> I'm a beginner with GRASS. In order to analyse a dataset on the spatial distribution of a bird's species, I wanted to create many spatial grids (with increasing cell size, from 500 to 15000 meters)and then count birds in each cell.
> I started with
> v.in.ogr to import a countour shape file for my observation window
> v.to.rast (countour)followed by r.mask to limit the work on that contour limit
> finally, v.mkgrid to create the grid with the required spatial resolution.

>From your personal email I understand that "contours" are meant
here as boundaries of the study area.

Would this approach work?

Best regards

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