[GRASS-stats] plugin and multiple GRASS instalation

Jarosław Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Tue Sep 29 07:11:41 EDT 2009

I added and compiled GRASS7 for testing purposes but my main instalation 
is grass65.svn. From that moment I have unresolved problem with 
grass-gdal plugin in R: Inspite I recomple grass-gdal plugin and 
grass65.svn (with make distclean) I have error:

r2=readRAST6("elev", plugin=TRUE)
BŁĄD:Incompatible library version for module. You need to rebuild GRASS
       or untangle multiple installations.
GRASS 6.5.svn (nc_spm_08):~ >

I think (untangle multiple instalation is new in that issue) that it is 
conflict between grass7 and 6 libraries
regards to all

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