[GRASS-stats] Re: [GRASS-dev] g.gisenv: symbol lookup error: g.gisenv: undefined symbol: G__no_gisinit

William McCoy wdmccoy at geo.umass.edu
Sun Aug 29 11:51:46 EDT 2010

On 08/29/2010 09:30 AM, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Markus Neteler wrote:
>> Does anyone have a pointer for this problem?
>>   http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-stats/2010-August/001266.html
>> g.gisenv: symbol lookup error: g.gisenv: undefined symbol: G__no_gisinit
> The GRASS libraries are out of date with respect to the modules. The
> libraries pre-date the version check, while the modules are more
> recent.
> I note that $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is rather long, and
> /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/lib is right at the end of it:
> If GRASS libraries exist in any other directory in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> (or in /etc/ld.so.conf), they will be used in preference.
> Also, it's possible that a different version of libgis is being pulled
> in via e.g. GDAL.

I mentioned in my initial post to r-sig-geo, that I do have a grass63 
installation on the same computer and that installation is from a Fedora 
repository and comes as an rpm.  I may have neglected to include that 
information when I moved this thread to grass-stats.  I likewise have 
two installations of gdal (because the Fedora repository one is so old).

I had put /user/local/bin early in my PATH to try to avoid using the 
older rpm versions, but I see now that, of course, the libraries from 
the grass63 installation are probably being called first in this 
instance.  My user LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable is empty and the library 
path comes from ld.so.conf.

When initGRASS() gets the library path with Sys.getenv(), I'm not sure 
how it comes up with the list of libraries that it does, but the 
grass64svn library is not among them.  initGRASS() appends the 
grass64svn library to the end of the existing library path and sets it 
using Sys.setenv().

I can try changing initGRASS to prepend the grass54svn library and see 
if that works.  But I am also wondering how I could change the order of 
libraries in my library path from ld.so.conf.

I will try changing initGRASS() and report the results here.

Thanks for your help,

William D. McCoy
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

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