[GRASS-stats] SpatialGridDataFrame simple selection problem

Chris Carleton w_chris_carleton at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 11 15:50:49 EST 2010

Hi Roger and list, thanks for the reply. I'll start at the beginning to
clarify. I'm an archaeologist and I'm creating a model that predicts the
locations of archaeological sites (there are various extant methods, but I'm
developing a new one using a combination of techniques) given 'n'
environmental variables that can be continuous or categorical. The model is
structured on the idea that each cell in the output raster map will contain
a probability that it is within a buffer around a site based on the
definition of 'site' derived from the continuous and categorical data input
by the analyst. I've taken the stance that the predictive problem can be
viewed as one of classification in n-dimensions so that every point in the
study area has n-dimensional coordinates in the data space. So, the question
is, 'what is the probability that any given pixel in a raster map of
arbitrary size is located within [buffer] distance of a site?'.

In order to derive the probability, I'm using an R package called 'np' by
Tristen Hayeld and Jerey S. Racine, which can create an n-dimensional pdf
estimate using a kernel that includes both continuous and categorical data
types. I'm also weighting the probabilities based on distance since the
definition of a site (based on statistics gathered from [buffer] distance
around known site locations) can and will be different in different
locations -- some sites are preferentially located on terraces, others at
fluvial confluences, etc. Taking a cue from geographically weighted
regression techniques, I'm weighting the probability that any given pixel is
within [buffer] distance of a site using distance decay kernels. As a
result, known sites nearer to a location of interest for which I want to
predict the probability of finding a site at/near will have greater
influence on the probability since it's more likely that proximal sites are
similar in their environmental characteristics than disparate ones. The
probabilities are, therefore, different for every pixel of interest since
the distances between each pixel and each known site location will be
different in different cases. So, this calculation needs to be done on a
'per-pixel' basis. Some day, I'll write the code so that it's convenient for
parallel processing and make large maps possible (I'll be using region
settings and masks to limit the size for now). In the meantime, I was hoping
to find an elegant way to write the probabilities to a raster map in R. I'm
developing a function that returns the probability, but so far the only way
I've been able to write the data out and ensure that it's being written to
the appropriate corresponding coordinate position in the grid is like this;

*using libraries sp, spgrass6
if (any(parseGlist(rast_list) == "MASK")) {
        ##obey GRASS mask
        modelRast <- readRAST6(c("MASK"))
        ##after pulling the mask in, get spatial information for use in the
        tmp_proj4string <- slot(modelRast,'proj4string')
        numcells <-
        slot(modelRast, "data") <- data.frame(index=c(seq(1,celldim,1)))
        ##convert to dataframe for processing one cell at a time
        modelRast_df <- data.frame(modelRast)
        ##iterate over dataframe one cell at a time to calculate probability
and write to appropriate df column and row
        for (i in modelRast_df$index) {
            modelRast_df[index,'probability'] <-
calcProb(modelRast_df[modelRast_df$index ==
        ##promote df to spatial grid
        modelRast <-
        ##add spatial information back to the grid that was captured above
        slot(modelRast,"proj4string") <- tmp_proj4string
        ##output GRASS raster

If anyone has any ideas for cleaning this up -- like writing the information
directly to the spatial grid without changing it to a dataframe and being
certain that the new data is written into the proper row -- I would greatly
appreciate it. I'll also think more about Roger's suggestion and try to
implement it. Thanks,


On 11 November 2010 14:50, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Nov 2010, Chris Carleton wrote:
>  Hi List,
>> I've imported a SpatialGridDataFrame (SGDF) from GRASS with spgrass, and
>> now
>> I'm trying to select only those entries with a certain value in a column.
>> What is the appropriate syntax for selecting cells in a grid that have
>> particular values? Here's what I have:
>> ----------
>>> summary(modelRast)
>> Object of class SpatialGridDataFrame
>> Coordinates:
>>       min       max
>> x  174812.5  382055.5
>> y 1798172.6 1942292.8
>> Is projected: TRUE
>> proj4string :
>> [+proj=utm +zone=16 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +no_defs
>> +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1.0]
>> Number of points: 2
>> Grid attributes:
>>  cellcentre.offset cellsize cells.dim
>> x            174820 15.00021     13816
>> y           1798180 15.00002      9608
>> Data attributes:
>>  Value 1      NA's
>>  1534000 131210128
>> ----------
>> So, the SGDF obviously 'knows' which cells are NA and which are 1, but how
>> do I select cells on the basis of a column value?
> Firstly, this is a very large object if you are considering statistical
> analysis. In general, you treat Spatial*DataFrames like any data frame. To
> operate on it, you might choose to coerce it to a SpatialPixelsDataFrame,
> which drops all of the missing values cells, and retains only those within
> your apparent mask. Then, you'd do something like:
> modelRastSP <- as(modelRast, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
> # add a variable
> modelRastSP$newvar <- whatever
> The same "$" or "[[" operator works on a SpatialGridDataFrame. Are you
> asking because you need to interpolate to the raster within a mask? Then you
> could use coordinates(modelRastSP) to get the prediction points.
> If you can make your questions more specific, I think that others may be
> able to help,
> Roger
>> Also, is there a way to write values into a column in the SGDF without
>> having to create a new df object and then combine them? For example, how
>> do
>> I:
>> ---pseudo code---
>> for cell in sgdf {
>> thing = calculate_something(cell)
>> write2grid(cell, thing)
>> }
>> ------------------------
>> I haven't been able to work this out on my own or find any examples of
>> this
>> type of selection online (been searching a while... ) though I might be
>> looking in the wrong places. Thanks,
>> Chris
> --
> Roger Bivand
> Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
> Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
> Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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