[GRASS-stats] error spgrass6 readRAST6

Jan Hendrik Blanke jan.blanke at gmx.de
Thu Oct 20 09:40:28 EDT 2011


I am interested in using the GRASS/R interface spgrass6 and recently executed the code given in the book "Open Source GIS - A Grass GIS Approach" for the North Carolina dataset. Reading the first vector files (precipitation) works perfectly, but when it comes to the first raster layer, I receive the following error message:

"Error in deleteDataset(DS): GDAL Error 1: Deleting C:Documents and Settings/.../GIS DataBase/North-Carolina/user1/.tmp/elev_state_500m failed:
Permission denied"

I executed the following commands in the GRASS Command Line:

g.region vect=precip_30ynormals res=1000 -ap
precip30n <- readVECT6("precip_30ynormals", ignore.stderr=TRUE)
elev <- readRAST6("elev_state_500m", ignore.stderr=TRUE)

After the last command, the given error message appears. The same happens when I try to apply readRAST6 to personal data. ReadVECT6 again works fine.
I don't think the error is due to the space in the path of the data as the same happen when I choose a location with no space.
I guess the same problem appeared already here:


But I am neither using large or fancy data (just the given sample data) nor do I use initGRASS. I just follow the instructions given in the book. I am using GRASS 6.4.1 and R 2.12.2 and also tried R 2.13.2. The software runs under Windows XP.

I would appreciate if you could give me your thoughts. Thank you a lot for your efforts.



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